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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Interview & Giveaway: Dawn Crandall ~ Author of The Hesitant Heiress

Welcome to Christian Bookshelf Reviews, Dawn!! Will you tell us a little about yourself?

I am a (very behind) brand new mommy to a four month old little boy—which is something I’ve always wanted. I actually had to wait longer to get pregnant than to get my first book published. I went to Taylor University and majored in Christian Education, mainly for my own benefit since I’d never been to church much as a kid and had just become a Christian during my junior year of high school. I didn’t marry my husband right out of college… I didn’t meet him until I was twenty-five. I actually had to wait for him to finish high school, move from the East Coast to the Mid-West, and then finish college before I met him the day he walked into my church’s young adult ministry. It was pretty obvious from the beginning of our acquaintance that we were perfect for each other. And yes, he was twenty-one at the time… hence all the waiting around on my end. is your novel, The Hesitant Heiress, about?

After being unjustly expelled from the Boston Conservatory of Music, Amaryllis Brigham sees her dreams of founding a music academy disappearing before her very eyes. Now the only way to achieve her goal comes with high stakes for someone set on avoiding men as much as possible: marry within the year to inherit her grandmother’s fortune. Amaryllis reluctantly takes part in her aunt’s society, intent on getting to the west coast on her own… and without a husband.

Despite her own misgivings, she soon finds herself falling in love with the most unlikely of men, Nathan Everstone, whose father not only had a part in her expulsion, but whose ominous presence has haunted her dreams for a decade since her mother’s tragic death. Nathan turns out to be much more than he seems and everything she never knew she wanted. But just as everything Amaryllis has recently hoped for comes to fruition, it all falls apart when she finds that the real culprit who has been managing her life isn't who she thought at all.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I always loved to write in school. I didn’t like to read though! I couldn’t find any books I liked until I was in high school and read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier! I also have ADD and wasn’t paying too much attention to anything until I was diagnosed at the age of sixteen or seventeen. Because my life was changing so much at that time in my life, my dreams of writing a book sort of got swept under the rug. I played around with it for fun in college, but the ADD medication which helped me get better grades in college also cut off my creativity quite drastically. I didn’t realize this until I was in my early thirties and stopped taking the medication because I wanted to get pregnant. That was when the ideas just flooded in, and because I wasn’t getting pregnant very quickly, I decided that I would write my book in order to keep my mind off not having a family of my own.

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

I need full days (8-10 hours) of writing to get much done. Because I have ADD but don’t take anything to help with my awful scatterbrained tendencies, I just need to be there focusing entirely on the characters and the world I am creating for very long periods of time.

Where do you like to write?

I move around a lot. Each of my books was written somewhere different, in a completely different way from the other two.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I love to read… but I also love to stare at and play with my newborn son. Loving on him quickly became my new favorite thing besides writing and reading.

What is your favorite genre to read and why?

My favorite genre is inspirational historical romance, although I do like to read a few certain authors who write inspirational cotemporary romance.

What is your least favorite genre to read?

There are a lot… Thrillers, strictly mystery, women’s fiction…. I just love a good love story, and that’s what I want to read!

Is there a place you'd like to visit, but haven’t yet?

I would love to explore the West Coast.

Do you have a favorite Bible verse?

Ephesians 3:20 ~ “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us...”

Do you have a favorite song and/or movie?

I have a lot of favorite movies… anything to do with Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.

What is your favorite holiday?


What is your favorite season and why is it your fav?

I love every season… especially as the latest one is moving on. I don’t know why. It’s strange. I guess you could say I like the “in-between seasons” the best.

Some this-or-that questions:

Snowstorms or Thunderstorms? Thunderstorms 
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Tea or Coffee? Both with cream and sugar
Call or Text? Text
Cats or Dogs? Cat(s)
Early-bird or Night-owl? Early-bird
Introvert or Extrovert? A mix of both, actually. I am shy in bigger group, but I also have ADD which sort of takes over sometimes when I am with smaller groups of people.
Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
Mystery or Romance? Romance
Sneakers or Sandals? Sandals

Are you currently working on any new novels? If so, could you give us a hint?

I’m working on finishing up the third book in The Everstone Chronicles series right now. I’d started it before I got pregnant last summer, and I’d mostly finished revising the rough draft (which I don’t usually write in the first place) at that time… but being pregnant and having a baby definitely created some challenges which I’m still working through!

Thank you so much for being here! Where can we find you on the web?

- Twitter - @dawnwritesfirst
- Facebook –
- Pinterest –
- My Blog –
- GoodReads –

Enter for a chance to win an e-copy of The Hesitant Heiress by Dawn Crandall! Giveaway is open to the US and ends 8/21.

How to enter: Sign into the Giveaway Tools form below (it might take a moment to load) and submit each entry you complete. Commenting alone will not get you entered – you must click enter on the form. Happy entering!

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Giveaway Tools and announced here as well as emailed and will have up to one week to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Giveaway Tools or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. I am not responsible for any packages lost or damaged in the mail. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


  1. I'm so looking forward to reading your books and have had fun following along your blog tour :) Congratulations on being a new mommy- it's a special time!

  2. I look forward to reading your new series!
    It wasn't until I read Jane Austen that I realized my love for reading historical romance.


    1. I felt the same way! I'd read Rebecca, Gone with the Wind and Little Women in high school (yes, those are the only books I remember reading and liking!), and then my mom bought me Pride and Prejudice when she visited England when I was a freshman in college. :) I remember, I didn't know a thing about it and was SO SHOCKED (probably as much as Elizabeth!) when Mr. Darcy proposed!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for coming along, Heidi!! It definitely is a special time!! Although in thrilled beyond words to have my books published by Whitaker House, I really do find myself wishing I had more time to devote solely to my baby boy! I always planned to be a stay-at-home-mom... but now I'm a stay-at-home-working-mom!! And it's quite a challenge with having ADD!!

  4. Congratulation on your new baby boy. And the covers for each of your books are just beautiful.

    1. Hello Danie! I remember your email address... did you know you won an eBook of The Hesitant Heiress on Stacey Zink's blog??? And thank you about my baby boy! He is so precious!! :)

  5. This book sounds good and I'm glad to get to know you better from this interview. I don't have ADD, but think it would be difficult to make yourself sit down and write. I'm glad it works for you.

    1. Oh, when it's someone's most favorite thing to do in the world, it is so easy to dive in and stay there! I'm convinced that ADD means I have a really hard time concentrating on a lot of things, but that when there is something I want to focus on, it's all I seem to think about. It's just more difficult now because I want to spend all my time with my baby boy. :) I've never actually had something I loved doing more than writing before.... and now I do. :)

  6. So happy for your success AND your new baby. I wish you continued blessings.

  7. Congrats on your success AND your new baby. I wish you continued blessings.

  8. The Hesitant Heiress sounds likd a great book. I would enjoy this read. Nice to meet you Dawn.

    1. Hi Lisa! I'm glad you think it sounds interesting! I had a super-duper fun time writing it!! :D

  9. This looks so good! I enjoy your blog and am looking forward to reading this book.

    1. Thanks, Sonja!! I'm glad you stopped by!! I hope you enjoy The Hesitant Heiress when you get a chance to read it! :)

  10. Looking forward to following Amaryllis's journey! Congrats to Dawn on the new book and new baby.

    1. Thank you, Patty!! I hope you have fun joining Amaryllis on her journey when you have a chance! I feel like I've read it at least a hundred times over the last few years--and I enjoy it every time I dive in to whatever scene I'm reading. :D

  11. I am really looking forward to this book. Thanks for the interview/giveaway : )

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, Rebecca! It makes me so happy to hear how excited everyone is to read it! :)

  12. I enjoyed reading this interview! Dawn sounds like a lovely person and I'm very interested in reading this book, especially because I love music :-) thanks for hosting the giveaway!

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! I love music too! It was so much fun to figure out what pieces fit where and how they went a long with the story and Amaryllis's moods. :) I would listen to the specific pieces of music while I wrote different chapters. I wish I could play the piano!!!

  13. I have this book on my wish list & would love to be entered to win a copy. I've heard great things about Dawn's book!

    1. Thanks for stopping and entering the giveaway, Renee!! I'm so glad to hear you're looking forward to reading The Hesitant Heiress!!! :D

  14. I have this book on my wish list & would love to be entered to win a copy. I've heard great things about Dawn's book!

  15. Congrats, Dawn, on your debut. It really sounds good.

    1. Thanks, Amy!! Thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway!

  16. I love a romantic story too, it makes any contemporary, historical or suspense book so much better!

    1. Oh yes!! A lot are not near love-story-focused as I'd like! I always start out writing a story with my heroine--and then I figure out who is so perfect for her that they simply NEED to be together. :) Thanks for stopping, Merry!

  17. Fun interview! ;)
    I'm really looking forward to reading this book! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  18. I have not read any of your books yet. I love inspirational historical books. I hope I get a chance to read your books! :)

  19. This book is definitely on my "To Read" list. Sounds like a wonderful story!

    1. I'm so happy to be on your "To Read" list, dlkamstra! Thanks for stopping! :D

  20. Hi Tami!! This is actually my first book! But the other two in the series come out in November and February!! Thanks for stopping!

  21. Good luck on finishing the third. Now you can add the lessons you learn as a mommy! :) best wishes! Ewe_r_merritt(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Thanks, Rachael! Yes, my main lessons need to be to myself about figuring out how write as much as I used to with a baby around! :D

  22. I really want to read your book! It sounds like a great read. I enjoyed reading your interview and how you came to writing. I found it inspiring. Blessings on you and your new son.

    1. Thanks, Becky! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! Thanks for stopping and entering the giveaway! :)

  23. Hi Kate! This is actually my first book! But the other two in the series come out in November and February!! Thanks for stopping!

  24. Your books sound so good, Dawn, and I cannot wait to read them! Congrats on your son! New babies are one of the sweetest things ever! I have a new 2 week old niece and I would be content just to stare at her!

    1. Hi Abbi! Thanks! I do have a hard time not staring at him all day long. He's such a precious gift. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  25. Hi Dawn,
    I placed this book on my wish list & would love to be entered to win a copy.My husband is capitivated by the old fashioned female writers, such as Jane Austin. We watch the movies from books every time they come out and your book sounds as if it would fit right in!!!

    1. You are VERY lucky, Lisa! My husband went with me to the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice in the theater on opening day, but that was when we were newlyweds. There's not much of him sitting and watching anything close to Jane Austen with me now. :) Thanks for stopping!

  26. Looking forward to reading your books! Congrats on your new baby boy! :)
    Thanks for they giveaway!

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I hope you enjoy them when you get a chance to read them! :)

  27. Looking forward to reading this- Congrats on the book!! It is definitely on my tbr what an intriguing story. =)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Eliza! I'm so glad to be in your TBR pile! :D

  28. I love the interview! The book sounds great! I have finally started getting feedburner mails again! So happy to see you in my email :) I need emails to remind me to visit blogs lol. Have a great week!

    1. I'm glad you were able to stop by, Christy! And I'm glad you loved the interview! :D Thanks for stopping!

  29. This book looks really good. I can't wait to read!

    1. Thanks for stopping, Tina! I really hope you enjoy it! I sure did enjoy writing it! :D


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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8