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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Weekend Wrap-Up & Kindle eBook Deals!

This post may contain “affiliate links.” This means if you click on a link with my affiliate code and purchase an item(s), I will receive an affiliate commission. You won't be charged extra, I'll just receive a small percentage of the purchase price. See my disclosure page here. Weekend Wrap-up is where I share what I read this past week,...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Monthly Reflections ~ February 2020

Monthly Reflections, where we take the time to reflect on the previous month. How I Did With My February Goal...
Some of the links in my blog posts, tweets, social media posts, etc. contain “affiliate links.” This means if you click on a link with my affiliate code and purchase an item(s), I will receive an affiliate commission. You won't be charged extra, I'll just receive a small percentage of the purchase price. See my disclosure page here.
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