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Monday, January 30, 2012

One-Year Blogoversary Celebration: Day One - Brandilyn Collins!

I'm so excited to welcome Brandilyn Collins to Christian Bookshelf Reviews! She's one of my favorite authors!

Brandilyn, thank you for celebrating my blog's one-year blogoversary with me!

Nice to be here.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Can’t say exactly. My love of Story grew from my love of drama and acting, which I began as far back as I can remember. Maybe my first part was in second grade, when I played Mary for a Christmas pageant. I had a black eye I’d gotten on the playground. Mom tried to hide it with makeup.

Anyway, after the birth of my daughter—and last child—in 1989, I said, “I’m gonna do it. I’m going to learn how to write fiction.” So I did.

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Gone to Ground: A Novel If you mean a quirk in my style of writing, I’d say my very tight style. Sometimes I’ll even drop words, like “and” after a comma. Or I’ll drop the subject from a sentence if I’m in very high action and want to show one quick beat after another. My tight writing lets me pack in a lot of plot with as few words as possible.

If you mean a quirk in my writing process I’d have to say my difficulty in coming up with ideas, and writing them when I finally do. Hah! That about covers everything, doesn’t it.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

Again, not sure what you mean by this question. If you mean a factoid I learned from my research, I could say all sorts of interesting things. When a tooth might float. What the rarest blood type is. How much a typical liver weighs. That erased photos off your digital camera aren’t really fully erased—when a techie wants to get at ‘em. And on and on.

Eyes of Elisha (Chelsea Adams Series, #1) If you mean what I’ve learned regarding the creation of fiction in general, it’s how very hard writing fiction is. Started hard, and it’s only gotten harder. Methinks in my next life I shall watch TV and eat bon-bons.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I’m currently working on my 25th. I don’t know about having favorites, but the first two novels I wrote will always have a special place in my heart. Suspense: Eyes of Elisha. And a women’s fiction title: Color the Sidewalk for Me.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

Read. Jog. Make a lovely latte with my handy-dandy latte maker and drink it. Watch nature. Talks to my kids on the phone. Hang out with hubby. Sit on the deck in warm weather in our Idaho home.

Do you read books, if so, what is your favorite genre to read?

Color the Sidewalk for Me (Bradleyville series, #2) Suspense is my favorite, naturally. It’s the genre with the ultimate drama/tension. The main character finds herself in major trouble at the very beginning, and it only gets worse from there. But I read extensively and certainly not only suspense.

Do you have a favorite season?

Summer! I’m always cold, so it’s so nice to be warm.

Is there a place you'd like to visit, but haven't yet?

Australia. I’ll get there.

PhotobucketDo you have a favorite Bible verse?

My life verse: Psalm 138:8—The Lord will accomplish what concerns me. (NASB)

Are you currently working on any new novels?

Deceit: A NovelI’m always working on a novel. I can be working on a novel when I have my feet up on the desk and am staring blankly out the window. It’s called thinking. Plotting. Characterizing. Or maybe just plain stuck gears.

Where can we find you on the web?

Facebook: www.facebook.com/brandilyncollinsseatbeltsuspense

Over the Edge: A NovelBook Giveaway!

Brandilyn Collins has graciously offered to give away a copy of her book 'Over The Edge' to one reader! I absolutely LOVED this book! 

For the blogoversary, I've changed the giveaway details - there are NO mandatory entries! Enter using the Rafflecopter below. Be sure to check back tomorrow for day two of the blogoversary celebration!

This giveaway is only open to US residents.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Brandilyn generated lots of laughs as the mc at the ACFW Conference, and her lively personality comes through in this blog post, too. Thanks for sharing this fun interview, ladies!

  2. Great review! Good luck with the giveaway - unfortunately I can't participate as I'm in the uk!

  3. Brandilyn Collins is an awesome author. Her novels are MUST HAVES in my library. Couldn't wait for this contest (of course, i didn't know it was cpoming) but had to buy! Thanks for the interview, Melanie and Brandilyn

  4. I love her books, would love to read (and review) this one!!

  5. This is a new author for me but it is nice to meet ya Brandilyn, Congrats on your Bloboversary, I am sure you are going to have lot of guest and lot of fun next few days...
    Paula O(kyflo130@yahoo.com)

  6. A well done to Ms. Collins for her fabulous books, and congratulations to Christian Bookshelf Reviews on the one-year blogoversary!

  7. Congrats on your 1 year blogoversary! I've already read and reviewed Over the Edge, but I'd love to win another copy to give to a friend! Thanks for the chance!

  8. Congrats to you Melanie on your 1 year blogoversary and still going strong!!! YAY!!! So happy for you and pray this week is filled with surprises for you :)

    Please don't enter me for today's giveaway, just wanted to congratulate you! Looking forward to the rest of the week and very excited about this!
    Hugs and blessings, Kara

  9. Congratulations on your blogoversary! Wonderful interview. Great Bible verse, I'm definitely taking that one with me today to think about. Thanks for the chance to win, I haven't read that book yet, but I have read a bunch of Brandilyn Collins' books and love them.

  10. Happy Blogoversary!
    I really appreciate your blog very much. It helps me a lot with decision making and knowing what is Christian or not!

    Thanks Megan!!

  11. Happy Blogoversary!! What a great way to start off the celebration, too! I'm amazing that Brandilyn has written 25 books!! How awesome is that?! I would love to win a copy of Over the Edge :) Thanks for the chance!

  12. Happy Blogoversary! I love Brandilyn's books and would love to be entered. I honestly didn't know she's written THAT many! Wow...authors amaze me :)

  13. Read the review seems like a great book. This would be a new author for me.

  14. Happy blogoversary my teenage daughter would love it if I won Brandilyn's book thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. I am so excited for you. Happy anniversary.

  16. Brandylin -I've read at least one of your books but it has definitely been awhile. Perhaps I'll get a chance to win/read this one. :)

  17. Happy Blogiversary, Melanie! I'd love to enter, but I don't see the "rafflecopter" thing to enter.

  18. For some reason the site didn't fully load when I first came here, but now I can see where to enter.

    Thanks!! : )

  19. Ann Fudge Cluck

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!!

  20. I've not read this author, but her books sound like they'd be something I'd enjoy reading.
    pkildow at gmail dot com

  21. Loved the interview! Thanks for the giveaway!


  22. I enjoy Brandilyns' books as well. Haven't read this one yet!

  23. Congratulations on your blogoversary!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  24. I've read some of Brandyln's books in the past, and really enjoyed them! This one looks REALLY good, so of course I've entered. Thanks! :-)

    1. Katie, Over the Edge is SO good! I think you'd love it! :)

  25. I'd love to read this one! I won it in another giveaway, but I never got it. :P I've heard great things about Brandilyn's books!

  26. Great interview! It was so fun getting to know one of my favorite authors a bit more =D

  27. I would love to read this book.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  28. Happy blogoversary!
    Great interview too!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. Brandilyn has some great books. Thanks for the chance to win one!


  30. Happy Blogoversary!
    Thanks for the giveaway :]

  31. Happy Blogoversary! I love Brandilyn Collins' books. I haven't read them all yet, but I haven't come across one that didn't keep me turning the pages.


  32. thanks for the chance - sounds great!

  33. Thanks so much!

    Anastacia Russell

  34. Ooo, I want to read this book! Just have started following your blog, Melanie, at long last. :) It's wonderful! I can't actually follow (my computer's fault, nothing wrong with the blog), but I will check here very often. :)

    Anyway, awesome giveaway! I'm entering.

    1. Thanks, Charity! I'm so glad you like my blog - yours is great! :)

  35. Congratulations on a full year of blogging!

  36. I love Brandilyn Collins' books and would love to read this one too.

  37. I love Brandilyn Collins' books. Lovely to learn more about the author.

  38. I love to read! Thanks for the opportunity to win!1
    Karen F

  39. Thanks so much for this giveaway! Congrats on one year! (:

  40. 1 year blogoversary congratulations!



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