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Friday, December 30, 2016

Review: Lethal Action by Rachel Dylan

About the book: Danger in the Deep South #1 Attorney Hope Finch is a rising star at the prestigious New York law firm of Rice & Taylor and is used to high-stakes litigation. But when she's sent to what she thought was a small, sleepy town in Georgia, she is unprepared for the dangerous turn of events that threatens her life and career. FBI...

Monday, December 26, 2016

Weekly Giveaway Link-up #127

Welcome to Weekly Giveaway Link-up hosted by Crystal @ Just Another Book Lovin' Girl and me. This is a linky where you can submit your blog's Christian book and book-related giveaways and find other giveaways. A new link-up will be posted every Monday. var _rssimg = document.getElementById('wpImg683190'); if(_rssimg)...

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday | Ten Book/Bookish Items I Wouldn't Mind Receiving For Christmas

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish Ten Book/Bookish Items I Wouldn't Mind Receiving For Christmas I can't believe I haven't done one of these Top Ten Tuesday posts since April, but what better category to try and get back into this meme then this one. ;) Now I could have done all books instead of some bookish items, but most...

Monday, December 19, 2016

Weekly Giveaway Link-up #126

Welcome to Weekly Giveaway Link-up hosted by Crystal @ Just Another Book Lovin' Girl and me. This is a linky where you can submit your blog's Christian book and book-related giveaways and find other giveaways. A new link-up will be posted every Monday. var _rssimg = document.getElementById('wpImg683189'); if(_rssimg)...

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Litfuse Tour: ScriptureDoodle and ScriptureDoodle God’s Promises by April Knight

About the book: ScriptureDoodle: A Six-Week Devotional Experience (David C. Cook, October 2016) With inspiring exercises and prompts, this unique interactive guide introduces readers to a creative connection between Bible study, artistic expression, and worship.  Often, in the busyness of life, Christians forget that God created them to...

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Top 2017 Releases I'm Eager To Read!

I don't know about you, but it seems like every year there are just more and more books I'm eager to read. There are new books from my favorite authors and new books in series I'm enjoying, so I have lots of books I'm anticipating next year. In no particular order, here are some of them. ...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Review: Love for All Seasons by Stacy Henrie

About the book: A Long Winter Kiss As Samantha and Rex’s childhood friendship matured into young love, they promised their hearts to one another, even as Rex headed off to war. But their hope for a bright future was shattered when Rex succumbed to his belief that the horrors of war had made him a man no woman could love. Now he has returned,...

Monday, December 12, 2016

Weekly Giveaway Link-up #125

Welcome to Weekly Giveaway Link-up hosted by Crystal @ Just Another Book Lovin' Girl and me. This is a linky where you can submit your blog's Christian book and book-related giveaways and find other giveaways. A new link-up will be posted every Monday. var _rssimg = document.getElementById('wpImg683188'); if(_rssimg)...

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

In A Reading Slump...and Trying to Get Over It.

I've been in a reading slump for the past several weeks. It's not that I'm not reading, I'm just not reading as much and it's a struggle to actually pick up a book...and when I do, most just don't hold my interest. So, in an effort to get over this slump, I'm going to make a list of the books I want to finish this winter (really from now to mid-January)....
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