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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Blogoversary Celebration Winners!!!


It's time to announce the winners from Christian Bookshelf Reviews' One-Year Blogoversary Party!!

Over the Edge by Brandilyn Collins

Protection for Hire by Camy Tang

Attracted to Fire by DiAnn Mills

• Vera

A Sound Among the Trees by Susan Meissner

Blue Moon Promise by Colleen Coble

• Julie W

250 GFC followers surprise giveaways (Your choice of one of the four books listed)

H2O the Novel by Austin Boyd and Brannon Hollingsworth

1. Lilian (US)
2. Sharmaine Chan *failed to contact* (new winner below)
2. Eve
4. Julie (US)
5. Charity U (US)

Nobody's Child by Austin Boyd

Marianne asked me to pick a different winner, that winner is... Sandy! :)

1. Marianne (US)
1. Sandy (US)
3. jay.uppal *failed to contact*
3. Michael (US) *failed to contact* (new winner below)
3. Bluerose (US)
4. ihhcheryl (US)

The Mars Hill Classified Trilogy by Austin Boyd

1. Miki
2. Kara (US)
3. Pragya
4. Vera (US)
5. Leah (US)

That's a lot of winners! Congratulations! I hope you all enjoyed the party.

Again, thanks to the authors for giving away copies of their books, and to you readers for visiting, leaving comments, and following! I really, really appreciate it and I hope you all continue to visit and comment. :)

*If you haven't already received an email from me, I will be sending one shortly. You have 48 hours to respond, otherwise another winner will be chosen.*


  1. Replies
    1. I second the congrats! Thanks for commenting, Crystal! :)

  2. Congratulations all!
    Enjoyed your blogiversary Melanie:)

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad you enjoyed the celebration! :)

  3. Thanks Melanie for these great giveaways! I'm really grateful to be one of the winners and want to say congrats to the rest of you!

    1. You're welcome, Abbi! Congrats on winning Nobody's Child!, I hope you love it! :)

  4. WOW, that's a lot of winners!!! What a fun party that was :) Congrats everyone on your winnings, I can't believe I'm one of them, YAY!!

    Thanks SOOOO MUCH Melanie for this wonderful giveaway and congrats again on your blogoversary! I'm so happy for you and I pray that you have many more blogging adventures to experience and many more good books to come :)

    I emailed you my info, thanks again! You have made my weekend with Boyd's trilogy, oh yeah! Hugs and blessings, Kara

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kara! I'm so glad that you won The Mars Hill Classified Trilogy and that you thought the party was fun! :)

      I got your email! Thanks! :D

  5. Congratulations to all the winners! and Melanie, congratulations again on your blogoversary, and thank you for the great giveaway. I didn't win, but I discovered a few books that i definitely want to pick up! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm sorry you didn't win a book... hopefully you will in the coming giveaways on this blog! :)

      I'm glad you discovered new books from this celebration!

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  6. Thanks for commenting, Vicki! :)

  7. Congrats to all the others winners

    and thanks you so so much i'm really happy to be able to discover a new author, thanks you

  8. I had lots of fun, hope you did too


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