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Saturday, February 1, 2014

3-Year Blogoversary Party ~ Interview with Ace Collins and Giveaway!

What is your book, The Cutting Edge, about?

Leslie Rhoads grew up in a small town, but is on the verge of becoming a supermodel in the Big Apple, when the 24-year-old is chosen to grace the cover of Style magazine and star in the controversial Passion Nights’ perfume ads everything changes. But before she can step into the spotlight, Leslie is assaulted by a drug gang and disfigured with a broken scotch bottle. Without her perfect face, she is lost and no amount of surgery can ever make her what she once was. Now trying to hide her face from the world, Leslie encounters more trouble as she seeks to rebuild her life: unrequited love, thoughts of suicide, and her assailant unknowingly stalking her. Little does she know that a young girl named Angel will turn it all around, showing Leslie the joy and potential in life and the fact that love truly is blind. When I think about it this book is where values meet Hitchcock style suspense.

What was your favorite part about writing The Cutting Edge? What was the hardest?

The favorite part was dealing with a complex lead character. Leslie had to go through a full range of emotions from fear to anguish to rage to insecurity and on and on. That gave me a chance to really get into her fiber as a person. The hardest part to write was the attack and Leslie fighting to stay alive alone and forgotten in an alley.

What is something the average reader wouldn't know about you?

The kind of things I collect make me a bit different. I have a 1934 Auburn sedan and a 1965 Mustang Fastback, I have two Wurlitzer jukeboxes, a 1949 Coke machine, Hollywood movie stuff from the 1930s and we have a room in our house that looks like a diner from the early 1960s.

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?
A lot of my books are outlined on the back of church bulletins. That might explain why seem to think I am taking notes on sermons during church.

Where do you like to write?

I have an office on a hill overlooking Timber Ridge here in Arkadelphia, so I open the shades and write there. But I get a lot of ideas when I am driving around.

What is the best and/or worst part about being a writer? 

The worst is never knowing how much money I will make each month so I have to put off buying things others with regular incomes just purchase on time. The best is likely I don’t have to deal with a lot of meetings and I can work in t-shirts and jeans.

What do you like to do when you're not writing? 

I am a play-by-play man for Ouachita basketball, I watch a lot of classic movies, I like to run and hike and drive my old cars. I also have a collie that was born blind that I love having fun with.

What is your favorite genre to read and why?

I write literally everything. My 70+ books included all kinds of fiction and nonfiction. In fiction my favorite is action/adventure/mystery…such as my current ebook release A Date With Death, but I also just released a devotional book.

Is there a place you’d like to visit, but haven’t yet? 

I would love to take a train trip across western Canada.

Do you have a favorite Bible verse?

I pretty much think if we would all live by Matthew 25:35-40 the world would be a pretty fantastic place. You will find those verses becoming a subtle thread in many of my fiction and nonfiction books.

Do you have a favorite song and/or movie? 

Song varies from day to day but I often find myself coming back to an Elvis hit If I Can Dream. My favorite movie is likely from 1936 – Libeled Lady. Absolutely brilliantly written, acted and directed; classic comedy at its very best. You have to watch it a dozen times to catch all the jokes.

What's your favorite season and why is it your fav?

I live in Arkansas and love each of them equally. Fall is wonderful but the snow on the hills is pretty great too, spring is breathtaking and summer offers a lot of fun.  But, as I love Christmas, let’s say winter because we really decorate and enjoy the holidays.

What's your favorite party food?

Is Kettle Corn a party food? If so that ranks #1. If not let’s go with sausage balls.

Snowstorms or Thunderstorms?
I love a good thunderstorm. It just sets the mood. Love the smell, the noise and the power.

Chocolate or Vanilla?
Really neither as I am a peanut butter kind of guy.

Tea or Coffee? 
Sweet ice tea.

Call or Text? 
I would rather call, but as I am around college kids and have scores of them in my life, I text much more than call.

Cats or Dogs?
I have three rescue cats and two collies. I like them both.

Early-bird or Night-owl?
In my mind the only way to watch a sunup is to stay up all night. I am a night owl. It is rare when I get to bed before midnight.

Introvert or Extrovert?
I am very outgoing, I like to know everything about everybody. I often describe myself as a raccoon in human form. I never stop moving.

Facebook or Twitter? 
Facebook, my thoughts are two wordy to tweet.

Are you currently working on any new novels? If so, would you give us a hint?

Also working on many. I have a romance set in Hollywood in the 1930s, a comedy whodunit set in Chicago in 1945, a courtroom drama set in Mississippi in 1964 and 2014 and the continuing sagas in my series In The President’s Service.

Look for me on Facebook under Ace Collins, my twitter name is @AceCollins and my website is acecollins.com.

Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of The Cutting Edge by Ace Collins! Giveaway is only open to US residents. Ends 2/15

How to enter: Sign into the Giveaway Tools form below (it might take a moment to load) and submit each entry you complete. Commenting alone will not get you entered – you must click enter on the form. Happy entering!

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Giveaway Tools and announced here as well as emailed and will have up to one week to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Giveaway Tools or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. I am not responsible for any packages lost or damaged in the mail. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


  1. Ok I absolutely loved this interview! My mouth dropped when you were talking about your cars, coke machine, jukeboxes, movie stuff, and that room in your house! I love history and the early to mid 1900's is one of my favorite time periods so all the things you mentioned made me start drooling and the pictures are great!
    I haven't read any of your books but those ones your working on sound awesome!

  2. Happy Blogaversary!!!! This book sounds great:)

  3. Happy blogaversary! thanks for the opportunity for this giveaway!

  4. Thanks for the interview and the responses. And Abbi, I love my life and I hope you get a chance to read a bit of work as I interject a lot of things we have collected into the plot lines.

  5. My gosh, all that ole timey good stuff. History before your eyes. You live in Arkansas? I live in Missouri, about at the Arkansas line.. Thanks KEEP WRITING

  6. Congratulations on 3 years and thanks for the insightful interview. I had no idea that Ace had written so many books. This one sounds exceptional, I'd love to win a copy. Please enter my name in the draw.

  7. thanks for the invite...always enjoy meeting folks and reading the comments on your site, good books and good conversations a great combo...congrats on another blogaversary!

    Paula O

  8. Love reading this interview. I have just recently started reading Ace Collin's books. I am really enjoying them. Love the mustang! My favorite car!!

  9. Happy Blogoversary, Melanie! Great interview!

  10. I have not had the pleasure of reading books By Ace Collins. Thank you for post. Cutting Edge looks very intriguing! Would love to read.
    Thank you

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I just wanted to say I love Ace Collins books. Look forward to each new one.

  13. Wow this sounds like a wonderful book and you have an exciting life that suits you very well. I am so glad that you enjoy writing all sorts of genre that appeal to a large amount of the public. Please continue to share your fantastic talent with us and thanks for the chance to win a great book.

  14. Happy Blogoversary, Melanie!!!

    Thanks for the cool interview with Ace Collins. I live in the Northwest Arkansas region, and I'm familiar with the area he lives in. It's beautiful!
    Courtney Clark

  15. Happy Blogoversary! I loved the interview . . . The plot of The Cutting Edge sounds interesting! I hope I get the chance to read it. :)

  16. Happy blogoversary, Melanie! It already looks like you're off to a GREAT start. Yay! Cannot wait to see what else is to come. Congrats. :)

  17. Happy blogoversary! Nice interview

  18. Love In The President 's Service. Great read so far...looking forward to more!

  19. I'm very interested in reading this genre and would love to win The Cutting Edge. Thanks for the opportunity.

  20. I enjoyed the interview with Ace. I would imagine it was hard to write the attack. I look forward to reading The Cutting Edge. Melanie, Happy Anniversary!

  21. Cutting Edge sounds great. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

  22. Congrats on three years of blogging. Great interview. I read you have some rescued pets. I love that . I have two dogs. The Cutting Edge sounds like a suspense fiction I would enjoy to read. Thanks for the chance to win.

  23. One of my book club friends raves about Ace's books. I haven't yet read any of his, though many of them look interesting. He certainly is a versatile writer. Thanks for the chance to win The Cutting Edge.

  24. I have been wanting to read this one for a while! Great interview! Loved the question about what people might know about him!

  25. Hollywood in the 1930s sounds like a great setting for a book! :)

  26. Happy happy Blogoversary, Melanie. Hope you have celebrating and thanks for sharing it with us.

    Great questions too.

  27. Enjoyed reading the interview... sounds like an interesting book! Thanks for doing this giveaway! :)
    Happy Blogoversary, Melanie!! :)

  28. Thanks for a great interview. Ace Collins is a new author for me, but quite a few of his novels sound great. I especially love mystery/intrigue so The Cutting Edge will be added to my TBR list.

  29. Great interview! Thanks for hosting the giveaway! Ace Collins is a fabulous author and I loved his earlier works!

  30. I did not know that Ace Collins wrote thrillers. I like his Stories behind Christmas books.

  31. Fun interview. Ace has so many cool collections!

  32. This sounds so good! Thank you for writing a novel that reminds people that looks aren't everything. Can't wait to read this! It was nice getting to know you and thanks for the fun!

  33. Great interview... Your books look so interesting!! Would love to win!!

  34. I've had so much fun reading the comments. Authors need to get to know readers and find out what drives their interest. Thanks so much.

    Ace Collins

  35. You are a new author to me so I am very interested in reading your books. Since you have written many, I have some catching up to do! Looking forward to this giveaway. Thank you for offering this opportunity!

  36. Sharon, or anyone else, shoot me an email at ace@acecollins.com, and if I know your interest I can direct you to the book you might be more interested in for a first read of my work.

    Ace Collins

  37. Sounds like an awesome book!

  38. Thanks for hosting, sounds like a great book!

  39. My husband and Ace have something in common. They both love antique cars. We have his books in the church library. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  40. Ace, thanks for your suggestions of books to read first and your generosity of time! I look forward to adding you as one of my favorite authors.

  41. I try to stop by each day and read the comments. I sincerely want to thank you for reading the interview and considering my books. I hope, that if you do read any of them, you will email me with your comments. I learn what kind of things connect with audience through feedback from folks like you. Thanks again.

    Ace Collins
    Ace Collins

  42. I have read some of your books, but after this interview realize there are many more I need to get!

  43. Looks interesting! Popping by from Goodreads

  44. I love your books and I am looking forward to reading this one.

  45. How about if it goes to 1,000 entries I give away another book? Let's go for it.

    Ace Collins

  46. I've only read one Ace Collins book and loved it! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  47. Sounds like an emotional but inspiring read! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  48. Courtney, there were chapters that were fought to write. Some pretty gut wrenching things happen to the lead character.


  49. I really enjoy reading books by Mr. Collins. They are so intense.

  50. The Cutting Edge sounds very gripping!

  51. I REALLY wanna read The Cutting Edge now! The description sounds interesting.

    ~Camille M.

  52. I am looking forward to communicating with the winners, signing books for them and getting a chance to know some readers much better. Finding out what readers think of my work makes me a much better writer.

    Ace Collins

  53. Let me know who won what package and their mailing addresses and I will get the books headed out on Monday.



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