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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

3-Year Blogoversary Party ~ Words That Make You Read A Book (BOX of 15+ BOOKS Giveaway!)

Today marks Christian Bookshelf Reviews' 3-Year Blogoversary!! I can't believe I've been blogging for three years! :) For today's post, I wanted to do something fun that would also interact with you, my blog readers. 

I don't know about you, but I have a few words that, when I see them, make me want to read that book as soon as I can (of course, it also depends on if the book will be free of objectionable elements and so forth).

Here are some of my "words":

Typically when I see this word, it means that the story will include an undercover Pinkerton Agent - which I love - and that the genre is historical. So it kind of merges two of my favorite genres (suspense and historical).

I haven't seen a lot of books that mention hockey (whether a player or just the sport) in the description, but the few I've seen have made me very eager to read them. My Stubborn Heart is one that I was anticipating and I really enjoyed that book when I read it! :)

I love books where the main character is undercover and has to preserve their cover to solve a case.

I also love books where some of the characters have to hide from the villain(s) and enter the Witness Security Program.


What are your "words"? Whether or not you enter the giveaway (below), please share in a comment. :)

Enter for a chance to win a box of books! I'm going to keep the books a mystery (as a surprise to the winner), but there are 15+ books in the box! Giveaway is only open to US residents. Ends 2/15

How to enter: Sign into the Giveaway Tools form below (it might take a moment to load) and submit each entry you complete. The mandatory entry is to leave a comment below this blog post (do not leave your comment in the box on the form - that is only for your name). Commenting alone will not get you entered – you must click enter on the form. Happy entering!

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Giveaway Tools and announced here as well as emailed and will have up to one week to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Giveaway Tools or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. I am not responsible for any packages lost or damaged in the mail. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.


  1. My words are mystery, drama, psychological thriller, romance, cozy mystery,

  2. What a fun idea!
    Historical, Romance, Cowboy, Western, Texas :-), Comedy...the words could go on. I think I'll leave it there for now.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway and Happy Blogiversary!!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Kate! I love those kinds of books, too. :)

  3. This was such a fun idea and really made me think! Two of mine are the same as yours but here they are! WitSec, Undercover, Agent, Soldier, WWII, Cowboy, Marriage of Convenience (sorry that's 3 words but oh well!), Ireland, and Baby!
    The first four are because those make for some great stories, usually suspense ones which are some of my favs! WWII is because I LOVE that time period. Cowboy is pretty self-explanatory, I love westerns which always seem to have cowboys! Marriage of Convenience is probably my favorite plot line so I'll read almost anything with that! Ireland is one of my favorite countries and always makes for a good story. And lastly, my passion is kids especially babies so I always love when they show up in books, plus there is nothing cuter than a guy with a baby!

    1. Love your words! :) Suspense books are my favorite kind of novels, so the first four words definitely call to me. :) Thanks for sharing your words!

  4. My words are: friendship, servant, minister, covenant, tears, happy...congratulations on 3 years!

  5. Historical, Amish, legal thriller, witsec, medical thriller, and mystery. Happy blogversary! I love your blog!

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like my blog. :) Nice to see that WITSEC is one of your words, too! :)

  6. I never really thought about the #trigger words" that make me want to read,
    a few of mine are.... find, lost, stolen and run.

    1. Thanks for sharing! :) I like the word "run" because usually that means someone is on the run from someone and that typically means the story is suspense. :D

  7. Lowcountry is a big word for me because I love reading stories about my home (the Lowcountry of SC) and there are a lot. Paranormal because I love ghost stories. And when there's a ghost story about Charleston that just makes it great. And of course mystery just because I've always been interested in them.

    1. It's always fun to read a book set in the area where you live! :)

      Oooh! I haven't read a lot of ghost stories, but one comes to mind: "Nightmare" by Robin Parrish. It went somewhere really weird with its "ghost" story...I loved the book! I especially loved the times when the main character visited real haunted houses. :)

  8. My first and foremost words would be romance and mystery. Then comes thriller, fast paced and entertaining.

  9. True, Historical, Mystery/Suspense, Romance, Humorous, Knights, Cowboys, Royalty, Fantasy, Espionage,

    Political, Supernatural.

    1. Good words! "Knights" makes me think of the young adult River of Time series by Lisa Bergren. (Love that series!) :)

  10. Amish, Mailorder, Love Finds You In, Hockey, Pack.....many different ones draw me in but those are the ones that will ALWAYS draw me in! Thanks for hosting!

    1. So neat to see "hockey" on your list, too! Did you hear about Susan May Warren' s new book "It Had To Be You"? The main character is a hockey player!! I'm very excited about reading that book. :)

  11. some of my words are Historical, Suspense, and Romance ,

    1. Thank you for sharing some of your words. :)

  12. Mystery, Amish, Historical Romance, Runaway Brides,

    1. Runaway Brides stories are fun! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  13. Inpiration, mystery, suspense
    I would love a chance to win

    1. Thanks for commenting! Suspense and mystery are two of my favorite genres. :)

  14. Quirky characters, contemporary, Christian romance, Jane Austen...

    1. I'm not a huge Jane Austen spin-off fan (I really haven't read many, if any, but it's not something that calls to me). I did, however, love Katherine Reay' s debut novel Dear Mr. Knightley. The story consisted of mostly letters and was very unique!

  15. Thank you for the giveaways! What a lovely valentine's present for the lucky person!!

  16. I think suspense, undercover, and as Abbi said, "marriage of convenience" (though I never realized that until now!) are some of mine. :)

    1. Those are all great words! :) Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!

  17. Some of the words that make me want to read a book are Texas, cowboy, west, mail order. Can you tell I like historicals set in the west?

    1. I can definitely tell you like historicals set in the west. ;) Great list!

  18. Tudor, Hawaii, Alaska, 50 plus years

    1. Oooh! Alaska is a "word" that makes me more interested in a book, too!

  19. Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the chance to win.

    What an excellent question! Like you, I like Pinkerton books. Others words I look for: basketball, Civil War, WWII, westerns, Kansas, Romantic comedy, London, New Orleans, Presidents Kennedy and Lincoln, Medical, Legal, Political....guess it's no wonder I have an out of control TBR pile! =)

    Blessings...and thanks again!

    1. Wow! That's a long list of words. ;) Glad you have so many that draw your interest and that Pinkerton is one of them! :D

  20. My words would be mystery, Civll War, Love, and faith.

  21. History, romance, laughter...

    Love your choice of Hockey=) My Stubborn Heart was one of my favorite reads in a long time!

    1. My Stubborn Heart was a great book. :) Glad it was one of your favorite reads!

  22. Mail Order Bride
    Marriage of Convenience
    Romantic Comedy
    Heather O -- koho onefourthree (at) hotmail (dot) com

    1. I like your list! I read a great romantic comedy last year (Made To Last) - it was so good it made my list of best reads for 2013! :) Have you read that one?

  23. Great idea! Some of my words are Murder, Comedy, California (because that's where I'm from), Thief, and... I could keep going but I'll end here :)

    1. I know what you mean! I could easily add some more words to my list (Alaska, dogs, FBI...), but the four I listed are my top ones. :) Thanks for sharing your words.

  24. I love regency books so royal titles such as Duke or Duchess. But I also enjoy books with words such as FBI, Mail-order Bride or Marriage of Convenience to name a few.

    1. I love FBI books and enjoy the others you mentioned as well. :)

  25. My words are mystery, castle, shire, secret, and buggy, grandmudder, cap.

    1. Thanks for sharing your words! :) It's fun to read everyone's comments. :)

  26. Since I get books for the school library, there is a plethora of words and subjects of interest.... history, suspense, biographies, children's books with rhyming and beautiful artistry.

    1. Thanks for your comment! :) It's great to have such a broad area of interest. :)

  27. My words would be suspense, EMT and paramedic. Would love to win the box of books.

  28. My words are Historical, romance, mystery, thriller, drama, cowboy, ranch, horses, and the West.

    Thank you for hosting this great giveaway - I hope you have many more years on your blog!
    Blessings to you!

    1. I love several of those words! Great list. :)

      Thank you!!

  29. My words are Detective: the more peculiar and imperfect the detective is the better. Mystery: heavy on detail and plot. Historical: With lots of description and people with timeless emotions and motivations. Romance: a true love story, with much characters development. :) That is a really cool question to ask. It made me think!

    1. I also like the romance to be a true love story with character development. One thing I don't like is when the characters barely know each other and yet they get engaged...

      Glad you liked the question! :)

  30. Amish, romance, historical, cowboy, love, children, there are so many words because I love to read!!!

  31. I love books with words like Heiress, Society, Trouble, Mystery, Rancher, Mountains, and the name of any Western town :) Such a fun post!

  32. Some of my words are Christian, historical, faith, forgiveness, suspense, truth, mystery and drama.

    1. I love books with forgiveness as one of the main themes! Thanks for commenting. :)

  33. Wow that's a huge give away. I love books set in WW2 or the Civil War era, so I look for those words.

    1. Sarah Sundin writes great books set in WWII. Have you read With Every Letter?

  34. Protect (Also includes Protector, Protection, and Protective) This word usually symbolizes that the book is a suspense (Which I absolutely!) because it implies that there is some element of danger to the characters.
    Horse, because I love horses and am blessed to have my dream horse at home, so if horses are a large part of the story I will most definitely want to read it!
    Thriller, one of my favorite types of books, I actually feel smarter when my brain is working overtime trying to figure out how all the puzzle pieces for together!
    And the final one that I came up with for words that make me want to read is if the book has the name of one my favorite authors on the cover, :)
    I have many favorite authors but the first ones to come to mind were: Dani Pettrey, Lynette Eason, and Steven James :-)

    Happy Blogoversary, Melanie!
    I had SO much fun doing this! :-)

    1. I love the word "protect" for the same reasons, Caitlyn! :)

      It's so wonderful that you have your dream horse - I've never ridden a horse (only a pony when I was a kid, lol). Would love to one day, though. :)

      I love trying to guess how the puzzle pieces fit together, too! Thrillers are my favorite type of books.

      Those are some of my favorite authors, too! Robin Parrish is another fav author of mine - I absolutely love his book Corridor!

      Thanks! :)

  35. historical, romance, comedy, suspense, amish, Christian, sci-fi, thriller...

    1. Great list! I enjoy a lot of those types of books. :)

  36. The first two don't bring any books to mind, but the second two definitely do. Thanks for the giveaway.

  37. Thanks for invite,,congrats on your 3 yrs blog...always enjoy seeing the comments when I stop by. I like reading historical books so that name HISTORICAL would interest me along with LOVE and FAMILY. thanks for sharing.
    Paula O(kyflo130@yahoo.com)

    1. Thank you, Paula! I enjoy historical books, too. :)

  38. "Marriage of Convenience" I always love that trope! Paranormal Romance is another set of words that makes me take a closer look.

    1. I enjoy Marriage of Convenience novels, too. Thanks for commenting! :)

  39. I think my three words would be Christian, mystery, historical. Thanks for hosting the giveaway and Happy Blogoversary!

  40. Ohhh, I would have to say: drama, Scotland, Ireland, Tudor, mystery

    1. Nice list! Have you read Sandra Byrd's Tudor novels? There are three books (To Die For, The Secret Keeper, and Roses Have Thorns).

  41. Historical, Clean, Funny, Adventure, Suspense, Sweet, Coming-of-age

    Fun post!! :D

  42. Melanie, what a cool idea! I've never thought of the "words" I look for. Mine would be: historical, western, secret (like a secret agent or a family secret even), photographer (because I love it!), and, more recently, Regency-era.

    Courtney C.

    1. Thanks, Courtney! "Secret" is a word that draws my attention, as well. Especially if the reader doesn't know what the secret is until the end - love trying to see if I can guess correctly. :)

  43. Historical, romance, bride, Christmas, Regency Fun game.

    1. Glad you thought the question was fun! I love reading all these answers. :) Thanks for commenting!

  44. world war II, woman detective, kansas

  45. Single Parent, Amish, Great Depression, Healing, Friendship. :)

  46. Humor, mystery, adventure, sweet, Ireland.

    1. I've noticed a couple people have Ireland on their list... :) Great list, Deborah!

  47. Very fun giveaway idea! Here are some of my trigger words: Marriage of Convenience, Soldier, Witsec, historical, romance, bride, mail order bride
    Brittany McEuen

  48. Love, Happiness, Finality, Medicine, surprise, classic :)

  49. Pinkerton just gives me the illusion of a very handsome, serious minded man of romance. I love the words historical, western, 1600-1800's, Christian romance, Amish, ballgowns, cowboys & Indians...I could go on & on!

    missionwife AT hotmail DOT com

  50. My words would be Romance, Faith, Adventure, Friends.

    If you like Pinkerton's you should read Sara Mitchell's Shadow Catchers series. All the heroes in that series work for Pinkerton's


    1. Thank you for the link!! I read the description for book one and it sounds like something I'd like! :) *adding it to my to-read list*

  51. Amish, Romance, Historical, Prairie, Western, Wagon Trains

    Katie J.

  52. Humor, romance, adventure, London, British, paranormal, fantasy, supernatural, etc.
    Thanks for the giveaway!! =)

  53. Gosh, you're really making me think hard on this one, Melanie! ;) I had never really thought about what words might draw me to read certain books... I'll give it a go, though.
    These are some of the words that really catch my eye when I'm reading book blurbs --- Faith, God, Mail-order, West, Cowboy, Bride, Civil War, Military, Soldier, Undercover, Pinkerton, Agent, Investigation, Killer, Criminal, Secret, Scotland, Protect, Forgive, Danger, Detective, Uncover... There are so many more, but I'll stop now. lol! ;)

    1. Wow, Aerykah! Great list! A lot of those words are also ones that catch my eye. :)

  54. Colonial, Frontier/Wilderness, and Spies. Congratulations on three years!

  55. Future, paranormal, dystopian society

    1. Thanks for sharing! I love dystopian novels. :)

  56. The biggest word that catches my eye (next to drama and romance ;-)) is Hope. Covers always snag my attention, but stories that are filled with encouragement and hope are the ones that leave a lasting impression. I am a twenty-two-year old YA author, and the stories that I want to read and write are ones that will resonate with the reader and teach them about God and life through incredibly realistic and impacting characters.

    1. I agree, Ashley. Covers snag my attention, but it's the stories themselves that can leave a lasting impression. Thanks for commenting! :)

  57. My words --- I will read almost everything.. Epic, Tale, Interesting, Chilling, Introspective, Gripping, Enchanting, Classic, Thrilling, occasionally I need the really deep philosophical to the comedy of errors. I think variety keeps the mind sharp and allows one to appreciate everything the library has to offer :)

    1. Ooooohhh! Chilling is a great one! Thanks for sharing. :)

  58. Intriguing, Epic, Romance, Adventure, Coming-of-age, Frontier, Early American

  59. Congratulations on three years of blogging! :)

    My words are: time-travel, mail-order (bride or groom), marriage of convenience, WWII, Ireland, Egypt, and Dystopian.

    1. I love Dystopian novels, too! Thanks for commenting! :)

  60. My words are- once upon a time, page turner, and princess

    sonflower277 at gmail

  61. Romance, shy, Amish. mail order, horror, mystery, Maine, lighthouse are some of my trigger words. Happy Blogoversary!

  62. Oh so many- historical, suspense, hilarious, plots with a twist, time-travel, Jesus (because he is always the right answer ;), romance, dystopian, true story, re-telling, Jane Austen, Regency, etc etc.
    Thanks for hosting a lovely give-away and congrats to you on 3 years! :)

  63. My words: Amish, Historical, mystery, romance, biographical and adventure, humor, Christian, and epic.

  64. Cozy mystery, Pinkerton, comedy, cowboys, World War ll, romance. I could go on and on. I love good books! Thanks for the chance to win some more. Happy Blogoversary!

    1. I also love good books! :) Love that Pinkerton made your list. :D

  65. The words that make me want to pick up a book are touching, moving, exciting, mystery, true life, romance. There are too many to list but thank you for offering this awesome giveaway!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! :)

  66. Nice post! Hmmm....let me think.. My interests vary but some words that I look for are:Clean, Mail-Order Bride,Love,Western,Adventure,Comedy,God,Classic,Historical,Mystery, and Regency. :)

    1. Thanks, Virgina! :) I like your list of words a lot! :)

  67. My Stubborn Heart is one of my favorite books!

    My words would probably be: romance, wit, cowboy, historical, pro athlete, fairy tale, Austen, fantasy....Oh, too many words. :) Happy 3rd! I'm celebrating my 1st right now. There are two books that are part of the giveaway that are Christian, but the rest are YA.

    Tressa @ Tressa's Wishful Endings

    1. My Stubborn Heart was a great read. :) Congrats on your 1-Year Blogoversary!

  68. Hi Melanie. What a give-away. WOW! Someone is going to be very lucky. Hope it can be me. LOL
    Some of my words would be: Amish, Romance, Pioneer Era, Mystery, Suspense, and Historical. I also am attracted by the cover, but then have to read about the story. I would love to win your give-away. Thanks for having such a great one. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  69. Congrats on your stamina and longevity , Melanie! Well Done =)

    **What are your 'words' that make you want to read a book?"
    Mystery, Regency, Agatha Christie ;) , Romance - for fiction

    Missional, contemplative, journey, worship - for non fiction

    Great question! thx for the giveaway ! ;)

  70. thinking it may post without 'Sharon' in front of the FHC , so just letting you know it IS me from the entry form that says I commented under 'Sharon' ;)

  71. Romance, Western, Cowboy, Pioneer, Alaska, Historical, Mail-Order, Regency, Revolutionary War, Civil War, Ships.
    I am not too hard to please. I love reading! Congratulations on your anniversary! And thanks for the fun giveaways!

    1. Love that "Alaska" made your list! I tend to really enjoy books set in Alaska. ;)

      Thanks for commenting!

  72. What a wonderful way to celebrate your Blogoversery! Thanks for taking the time; we readers truly appreciate it. :-)

  73. Western, Historical, Mail-Orders, Lough out loud comedy romance,

    I love reading and would love to read a good book. I donate all of mine that I win to the library where my Mom works, they have a very small budget! They lovve to get my new books, as they still look like new when I win them.

    1. Thanks for entering! I've read some westerns recently and really enjoyed them. :)

  74. My words are mystery, thriller, romance or funny.

  75. My words are mystery, thriller, suspenseful and romantic.

    I really will read anything but a great mystery is so relaxing to me.

    1. I love good mysteries! Especially when it's possible to guess the villain, but it's not obvious. :) Thanks for commenting!

  76. My words are inspiring, creative, interesting and mystery!

  77. forgiveness, Amish, God, large print, inspired, Inspirational, Hope, Faith, suspense, western, Prairie, wagon train, wilderness, rural, Sometimes the word is the publisher, Barbour, Heartsong, Lovesong, etc. Happy Blogoversary!

  78. Romance, Love, Mystery, Historical Fiction, Redemption, Humorous, Faith, and Forgiveness to name a few!


    Congrats on your Blogoversary!

  79. I love all your words, Melanie! I would add humor, mail-order bride, suspense, Regency, historical, romance.
    Happy 3rd anniversary!

  80. If someone was asked to describe me in words it would be :

  81. My words would be Amish, romance, historical, mystery and western
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  82. My favorite words to see in a book:

  83. Interesting questions! I love seeing cozy, mystery, protect, intrigue, sweet, and sleuth. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you like mystery novels...I do too! :)

  84. Past, western, cowboy, Texas, Alaska, Love, children, Amish, Linda White frogz60@hotmail.com

  85. Mail-Order Bride
    Orphan Train
    Underground Railroad
    Historical Fiction
    Ellis Island

    Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

    1. Interesting list, Kathleen! Thanks for sharing. :)

  86. So many words! Book, author, historical, Lincoln, Russia, Prairie, romance, love, paper, Star Wars, faith, travel, and honestly almost every word out there ;)

  87. Mystery, vampires, HOT romance…lol

  88. My words are mystery, suspense and thriller.

  89. This might be the BEST giveaway question I've come across ... ever! It's hard to narrow it down to specific words/phrases, but I'll try ... nurse, doctor, agent, mail-order bride, regency. These words pretty much guarantee that I'll give the book a shot!

    1. Glad you like the question! It's so much fun reading everyone's answers. ;) I really like your list, Brooke!

  90. I like your list. :) Thanks for sharing it, Vicki!

  91. Amish; Heiress ; Western; Love; Prairie; Mail order; Civil War; Reluctant; Deceptive ; Wagon, Suspense;
    Quilt; Storekeeper
    These are some of my favorites. Thank you

  92. Pinkerton Agents! I just reviewed "Gunpowder Tea" by Margaret Brownley that featured a Pinkerton Agent. Loved it!

    I think some of my words would consist of Historical, Love, Literary, Regency, Dystopian, Faith, Family

    Thanks for this opportunity, love your blog!!

  93. Regency, western, historical, fantasy, and young adult are some of the words that jump out when I'm choosing a book. Of course, they're always better with a good gospel message. :)

  94. Some of the words that make me want to read the book are mystery, romance, and historical

  95. Hm.. maybe Thriller, Suspense, paranormal.

  96. I love books about true life stories that are positive....so my words would be like encouraging, hope, beating the odds, miracle.
    Carly D.

  97. These words catch my interest: short-stories, farm, pioneer, health, sustainability, wildlife, roadtrip, dog/cat, positive, balance, peace, healed, heart-warming, despair, Scripture, message, garden, family.

  98. Let's see. There are so many! Pinkerton is one I enjoy Pinkerton agents and mysteries, buried treasure, adventure. Then there are things that I'm interested in or want to learn more about. Horses, gardening, knitting, quilting, baking, etc.


    Amada (pronounced: a.m.a.th.a)

  99. Historical, Amish, Christian, fast paced, mystery and many many more.

  100. My words are thriller, undercover, mystery, funny--if it is two or more, it is even better!

  101. So hard to pick a few! Some would be: mystery, thriller, rescue, medical, suspense, food.

  102. My words are definitely "Sherlock Holmes"... whenever these two words appear next to each other in that ever-familiar name, I can't resist in good Sherlockian spirit! :)
    Other words I jump into a story with at the sight of are "disillusionment" (one of my favorite themes), "criminal investigation", "philosophy" (especially those coming into conflict with one another), "thriller", "detective", "forgiveness", "Jesus", "reflective", "friendship", "faith" (of any sort-- my ultimate favorite theme!) and, finally, "thought-provoking" (basically, if I see this word, that book is mine. haha!)

  103. One of my biggest draws is "Scotland". I also like "wagon train", "orphan" "baby" "cowboy"... and so many more! :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. Melanie: You sound like a girl after my own heart! My favorite genre is suspense with a dash of romance thrown in. I also enjoy a good historical suspense as well.

  105. *What are your 'words' that make you want to read a book?

    Oh wow...that's limiting! LOL!!! I'm a hockey fanatic, like you, so if a book has hockey in it, I'm game! :) I also love the words prince, princess, duke, duchess, murder, intrigue, thriller...you get the idea. ;)

  106. romance, west, exciting, cowboy, ranch

  107. hockey, paranormal, shapeshifter, Chicago

  108. Each comment gives me a new buzz word. Law enforcement jobs, Ireland, pirates, and family dramas that span generations to create a series are some of my favoritea. But really I just like to read. Depending on my mood, I sometimes enjoy a sappy romance or nail biting mystery. Ooo that reminds me any hint of danger or unsolved crime is also an attention grabber.

  109. My words are: historical fiction, mystery, Europe, horses, ranch, South/Southern, British, traveling/travels...

    ~Camille M.

  110. Romance, heart, mysterious, forbidden, fantasy - I like too many genres!


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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8

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