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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Something to Stand For | Movie Review + Gift Card Giveaway! In theaters starting June 27th!

About the movie:

Join America’s favorite storyteller on an epic journey to the heart of Washington DC. Drawing from his blockbuster podcast “The Way I Heard It,” this cinematic tour de force will take viewers to the frontlines of the American Revolution, World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and more.

Movie Trailer:

Buy tickets today to see Something to Stand For in theaters starting June 27th!
Something to Stand For website: https://somethingtostandfor.movie/
Link to purchase tickets: Link

My rating:
4 stars
(View my rating system)
My thoughts:

I was eager to watch this movie when I heard about it. If you've ever listened to Mike Rowe’s podcast, The Way I Heard It, this is told in a similar way... you're not told right away who the story is about, but instead we're given the story and then find out who it is about. I loved that and was shocked by a couple of the stories/who they were about...Never knew that part of their lives and it was fascinating to learn. 

The movie is patriotic, but not partisan. I think anyone would enjoy learning more about the stories of people in America’s history. The movie was entertaining and held my attention. 

All in all, I really liked this movie and hope there will be more like this from Mike Rowe. 

Disclosure:  Many thanks to TBN for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.
*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention/review it on my blog. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own and I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*


Giveaway: Enter for the chance to win a $10 Amazon giftcard (Note: This is limited to US winners only). Please enter by filling out the Giveaway Tools form below. Ends 7/4/24.

*If you win this giveaway from a different blog for the Something to Stand For promo, you are ineligible to win again. Winner's name/email will be sent to Momentum along with a backup/alternative winner(s), should the first winner be ineligible. You will be notified by them if you are the winner. I am not responsible for giveaway/prize.

This post may contain “affiliate links.” This means if you click on a link with my affiliate code and purchase an item(s), I will receive an affiliate commission. You won't be charged extra, I'll just receive a small percentage of the purchase price. See my disclosure page here.


  1. This sounds like a great film. I am looking forward to watching it.

  2. I so want to see this movie with my family it sounds so amazing and so educational too.
    heather hgtempaddy


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