My goals for December were...
☑Read 9 books, including:
☑1 non-fiction
In December I...
Read 21 books!
1 non-fiction
Books read:


Evacuation by Jennifer Hartz
Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Melanie Dickerson
Jennifer Delamere
Cathy Bryant

I was awarded the Sunshine award!
My thoughts on this month:
I'm very happy with what I read this month! I read way more than I had hoped! :)
Looking ahead:
Here is what I hope to accomplish in January:
Read 10 books, including:
2 eBooks
If you want to do your own Monthly Reflections, feel free to grab the button and post about it on your blog, then leave a comment with the URL - otherwise, please share your thoughts in a comment!
Now it's your turn! What did you accomplish in December, what do you hope to accomplish in January?
Evacuation by Jennifer Hartz
Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Melanie Dickerson
Jennifer Delamere
Cathy Bryant

I was awarded the Sunshine award!
My thoughts on this month:
I'm very happy with what I read this month! I read way more than I had hoped! :)
Looking ahead:
Here is what I hope to accomplish in January:
Read 10 books, including:
2 eBooks
If you want to do your own Monthly Reflections, feel free to grab the button and post about it on your blog, then leave a comment with the URL - otherwise, please share your thoughts in a comment!
Now it's your turn! What did you accomplish in December, what do you hope to accomplish in January?