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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!


Happy New Year! Can you believe it's already 2012?!? Last year seemed to have flown by so quickly!

I'm really happy with the amount of books I read in 2011 (85+), but I'm hoping I can read 125+ books this year...

I thought I'd share some of the books that I'm so looking forward to reading that are releasing in 2012.

Opening Moves by Steven James
Baroness by Susan May Warren
Loving by Karen Kingsbury
In Too Deep by Mary Connealy
Mortal by Ted Dekker & Tosca Lee
Lethal Legacy by Irene Hannon
Relentless Pursuit by Kathy Herman
Blue Moon Promise by Colleen Coble
Shades of Truth by Sandra Orchard
Tributary by Lisa Tawn Bergren (I don't know if this book is releasing this year, but I'm hoping it is!)
Frantic by Mike Dellosso
Temptation by Travis Thrasher
Gone to Ground by Brandilyn Collins


  1. I hope TRIBUTARY makes it out in 2012 too! Stay tuned...in the meantime, I'm going to write a couple of e-novellas, picking up where TORRENT left off. Happy 2012, Mel! I appreciate you!

  2. Hello. I was reading your year end poll post and saw you mention your Christian Suspense Challenge. I just wanted to let you know that I've joined. I really enjoy mysteries/suspense and I like reading Christian/clean books, so this is the perfect challenge for me!

    I added the link to my blog post to the list. Looking forward to it!

    Have a wonderful New Year!

  3. Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were magical! I am a new follower from Monday Mingle! If you want to visit me- you can find me at- http://www.ratherbechangingdiapers.com/

  4. I'm looking forward to so many books in 2012 too :) 125 books sounded really high to me, but then I realized that i read about 66 books from July-December of 2011 so I guess it's possible! ;-)


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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8

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