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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Interview & Giveaway! Joanne Bischof ~ Author of Be Still My Soul!!

Today we have Joanne Bischof with us - the author of Be Still My Soul!

Welcome to Christian Bookshelf Reviews, Joanne! Will you tell us a little about yourself?

Thank you for having me! I live in the mountains of Southern California with my husband and three home-schooled children (and four very naughty chickens.) I love writing, reading and anything that has to do with Christian Fiction. I'm always up to something. Whether it involves dirt or glue or flour, my husband finds messes everywhere I go. My children love it and they're always up for an adventure.

What is Be Still My Soul about?

Gideon O’Riley, bluegrass musician and handsome ladies’ man, has set his roving eye on innocent Lonnie Sawyer. He steals a kiss from the shy girl, causing a misunderstanding that lands them in a shotgun marriage. Can his young wife’s patient faith teach him the meaning of love?

Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia at the turn of the last century, Be Still My Soul weaves together the threads of yearning, hope, and redemption to form a tale that I hope will touch your heart, stir your senses, and evoke a greater understanding for the majestic God who created every hue and surface of the mountains I hold so dear.

What is something the average reader wouldn't know about you? 

You probably know that the book releases today—October 2nd. But what readers might not know is that today is ALSO our anniversary. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate the release of this historical
romance then with my wonderful husband! We’ve got lots of fun plans for the day and get to top it all off with a romantic dinner .

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I always had my nose in a book and my head in the clouds. Growing up, I was 1 part Jo March, 1 part Beatrix Potter and 1 part Laura Ingalls Wilder. I was always writing, drawing, and living with my imagination in the past. Being a writer was always my normal. I can never remember ever wanting to be anything else. I am SO thankful that God made that dream come true!

How many books have you written/published and do you have a favorite? 

Lonnie and Gideon’s story is the first book to be published so I have to say that it’s my favorite!

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

Music. Lots of music. I’d love to write when it’s quiet but as a homeschooling mom of 3 little kids, there’s rarely a quiet moment. Music is the key ingredient to transport me from the world of being mommy into
the world that I write about.

Where do you like to write?

I usually end up on the couch with a laptop during naptime or under a shady tree while the kids play. But when there’s not a sleeping baby in my bedroom, I have a cozy writing nook beside my window. It’s a little antique desk and it’s a great little spot to snuggle down with my latest manuscript.

What do you like to do when you're not writing? 

When I’m not writing, I love hanging out with my family. My husband is my best friend and our kids are bundles of joy. We often go camping, walking and bike riding. Our whole family of 5 can fit on one bike. Ok, it’s a tandem and we put a few of them in the bike trailer. I bet we look pretty funny peddling around
the neighborhood with the whole crew!

Is there a place you’d like to visit, but haven’t yet? 

I really want to go to Scotland. Right before I got married I went on a trip with my sister-in-law to-be and we toured England, Ireland and Wales. I love those cultures. Even though Be Still My Soul takes place in Virginia, The hero of the story comes from Irish stock. It was my own little way of sneaking it in.

Do you have a favorite song and/or movie?

For music, I’m almost always listening to worship or folk music. Those are most definitely my favorite. As far as movies go, I love just about any Jane Austen adaption. Right now my favorite is the 2008 BBC version of Sense and Sensibility. It’s a stunning film. Of course Persuasion and Pride and Prejudice are right up there, too!

What is your favorite dessert? 

Definitely chocolate! My grandmother used to have a saying: ACQ. Which meant Administer Chocolate Quickly. My mom and I say it to one another whenever it’s been one of those days.

Do you have a favorite Bible verse?

My favorite verse is Isaiah 43:2

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.

I held onto this verse during a very difficult time in my life and it’s amazing to look back and see that God has brought beauty from the ashes. I’m so thankful to have God’s love and Word for every step of this journey called life.

Here are a few this-or-that questions:

Snowstorms or Thunderstorms? Thunderstorms! We live where it’s ALWAYS sunny, so I absolutely love a gray, cloudy sky. I open the windows, feel the cool breeze and just soak in the sounds of the storm.

Tea or Coffee? Tea. But my husband is in the process of converting me

Kindle or Nook? I have a kindle and it’s great. My mom even crocheted a cute cover for it so I think of her every time I use it.

Early-bird or Night-owl? Night-owl. This is when all my kids are bundled down for the night and I usually fix a cup of tea and get a little writing done.

Cats or Dogs? Cats. When I was little, my mom took me down to pick out my own kitten. They were all so adorable, but I couldn’t help but notice there was a small, orange kitten with no tail. I was so worried that no one else would want her. I think my dad was a little surprised when his daughter showed up that day with a tail-less bundle of orange fur. She was the best cat.

Are you currently working on any new novels?

If so, could you give us a hint? Right now, we’re putting the finishing touches on the second book in the series, Though My Heart is Torn. It’s the second novel in the Cadence of Grace series and I’m so excited about this one!

Thanks so much for being here! Is there anything else you’d like to tell readers and where
can we find you on the web?

Thank you so much for having me! For anyone who wants to learn more about Be Still My Soul, visit my blog, or sign up for my twice-a-year newsletter, they can drop by my website www.joannebischof.com anytime! I’m also on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/joannebischof where I share book news and fun giveaway opportunities. I love connecting with readers there!

Book Giveaway!

Enter to win a copy of Be Still My Soul! Giveaway is open Internationally!

Enter via the Rafflecopter below. The mandatory entry is to leave a comment on this blog post, after you do that, the optional entries will become available! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a great interview. I loved getting to know more about Joanne. I really enjoyed her debut novel and am delighted to have gotten a sneak peek at the cover of the second book in the series.

    1. Thanks, Keli! I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview and thanks for stopping by. :)

    2. Keli, didn't Melanie do the most lovely job! I love the special touches she added. The cover for book 2 just makes my heart soar. The designer, Kristopher has done an amazing job yet again. I'm so blessed!

  2. love it !!
    i hope i win this awesome book..
    thx u for the chance of win :D

    1. Thanks for entering! Hope you enjoy it if/when you read it. :)

    2. Yes, thank you for entering! So glad the book sounds like something you would enjoy!!

  3. Great interview. I can't wait to read the book.

    1. Thanks, Jill! Hope you get to read it soon. :)

    2. Jill, Melanie really asked some great questions. I especially loved her "this or that" questions. They were fun. Thanks for joining in!

  4. Thanks for the great interview ladies, and congratulations on your first book Joanne!
    My Mom is from Va, and I have a brother in Charlottesville, so it will be fun reading a book set in VA.


    1. You're welcome! Thanks for stopping by. :)

    2. I always love to hear when the book is close to home for someone, Patty. Thank you for your warm wishes! So pleased to meet you!

  5. Happy Anniversary to Joanne and her hubby!! That's cool.

    I love reading interviews of the authors I read.... it's fun to realize they are normal people too! :)



    1. So glad you love reading interviews - I enjoy author interviews, too. :) Thanks for commenting. :)

    2. Hi Ladette! Thank you, it was a wonderful anniversary. Our normal day consisted of lunch at Chipotle and a trip to Walmart, lol. It was so fun to be together and enjoy poking around in bookstores ;) thanks for stopping in for the interview and giveaway!

  6. I would love to read this book

    1. I hope you get to soon. :) Thanks for stopping by! :D

    2. Hi Deborah! If you get the chance, I so hope you enjoy it. Blessings!

  7. Thank you so much for the interview. Be Still My Soul setting is where my Grandpa grew up(around that time too). I am really excited to read this one.
    Amy Campbell

    1. You are welcome! Hoping you get the chance to read it soon. :)

    2. It does my heart good to hear that you are looking forward to reading Be Still My Soul! An extra treat to hear that it's around the same region and time as when your Grandpa grew up. Oh, to hear his stories... :)

  8. This sounds like a very neat book! Thanks for the chance to win it! Congratulations to Joanna on her anniversary and the release of Be Still My Soul! :)

    1. I agree - it does sound like a neat book. :) Thanks for entering the giveaway!

    2. Bethany, thank you for your sweet congratulations!! Bless you for stopping in for the giveaway. Take care!

  9. ireally loved the interview with Joanne... Thank you for a great chance to win

    1. I'm glad you loved the interview! Thanks for stopping by. :)

    2. It's so nice to meet you, Marianne! And I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview!

  10. Happy anniversary and congrats on the release :)
    thank you for the international giveaway, the story sounds amazing!

    1. Thanks for entering! I'm glad the story sounds amazing to you. :)

    2. It's such an honor to be interviewed here by Melanie. I had a great time with her questions. Thank you for stopping in and being a part of it, Kristia!!

  11. Beautiful cover. Putting this on my wish list. Would love to win and read the book.
    Karen Hamill Gervais

    1. I think the cover is really pretty, too. :) Thanks for entering the giveaway! :)

    2. MsRubyKat--your name is so fun I just want to keep saying it :) I am blessed with the most amazing cover designer...and love passing along the wonderful feedback from readers. Thanks for stopping and entering! SO glad the book is on your wishlist!

  12. Thanks for the interview! I really look forward to reading "Be Still My Soul" and am excited to hear there will be a sequel! Joanne, your favorite Bible verse was just what I needed to hear today :) God bless you!

    1. Thank you, Nicole! I'm glad you are looking forward to Be Still My Soul! :)

    2. Nicole, it does my heart good to know that the verse has ministered to you. It's a special one :) I'm so glad you're looking forward to reading Be Still My Soul and I hope you enjoy it. God bless you, too!

  13. Great interview! This book sounds really good and I'd love to win a copy!

    1. Thanks, Liz! Hope you get the chance to read it soon. :)

    2. Wonderful, Liz! Such a blessing that you enjoyed the interview. A huge thank you for being a part of it!

  14. I am SO happy you do these interviews here on Christian Bookshelf Reviews!!! I love getting to know that authors better, and I absolutely agree with Joanne's grandmother "ACQ. Which meant Administer Chocolate Quickly. " LOVE IT going to start using it!!!


    Amada (pronounced: a.m.a.th.a)

    Acts 16:31 (Read it, Believe it, and Be Saved!!!)

    1. Thank you, Amada! Glad you enjoy the interviews. :)

    2. Amada, raising a Hershey kiss in your honor, girl! When it's an ACQ kind of day...there's just nothing else that will do. :) Your name has a beautiful pronunciation! I'm going to grab my Bible to read the treasure you shared with us. Blessings!

    3. Blessings to you both Joanne and Melanie! Thank you for the compliment on my name. It means "loved" in Spanish and is a family name. I am greatly loved by my Heavenly Father first and fore most and He has blessed me greatly! May He do the same to you :)

      Happy writing and reading! :)

  15. I love these interviews!! It's so great to hear what the authors do in their daily lives and when they are writing!

    And of course I love giveaways. :P

    1. Thanks, Mallen! I find it so encouraging that people enjoy reading the interviews. Thanks for stopping by. :)

    2. Hi Mallen! Hooray for giveaways! :) Aren't they fun?! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the interview. I had a ton of fun sharing more about the process. SO nice to meet you!

  16. Be Still My Soul sounds like a touching story, I'd love to win it!

    1. Hope you get the chance to read this book soon, Merry! :)

    2. Merry, that is my greatest hope--that the book will touch readers. Bless you for leaving a comment and for taking the time to learn more about Be Still My Soul. All the best!

  17. Replies
    1. Yep. :) Thanks for stopping by! :)

    2. Just grinning with you , Kara. Gotta love a giveaway! :)

  18. ohhh I would love to read this book, please enter me in your giveaway

    1. You're entered! Thanks for stopping by. :)

    2. Touched to hear it, Cindy! A pleasure to meet you!

  19. What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for entering me and have a wonderful day :)

    1. Thanks for commenting! Hope you have a wonderful day, too. :)

    2. Ditto what Melanie said. :D Blessings on your day, Kathleen and thanks so much for stopping in for the giveaway!

  20. I am so eager to read this one! I love the setting & the time period. Perfection :)

    Thank you both for the lovely interview!


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Beth! Hope you get to read Be Still My Soul soon. :)

    2. Beth, I'm just smiling as I read your comment. Thank you! I love it when the setting and time period resonates with someone as it has done with you. If you get the opportunity to read Be Still My Soul, I hope it blesses you. Such a pleasure to connect with you!

  21. I always love a good Christian fiction book to read! I would love a chance for this! Thanks so much! :)


    1. Hi Katy! I always love to hear about fans of Christian fiction. :) It's a special genre and I'm blessed and humbled that Be Still My Soul gets to be a part of it.

    2. Carl, your wife is a blessed woman! That is so sweet. I'm so glad you stopped in and commented to be entered. I hope the book will be an encouragement to your wife!

  22. Enter me this book looks absolutely wonderful!!

  23. Thank you for the interview and for offering this nice giveaway. This sounds like just the sort of book my wife would enjoy, hopefully I can win it for her.

    1. Thanks Carl! My comment didn't go through...but I wanted to say that your wife is a lucky woman :)

  24. This one sounds amazing! Thanks for the awesome interview and giveaway!

    1. Jenn, it's so nice to meet you! Thank you, thank you. So glad you popped in and entered the giveaway for Be Still My Soul!

  25. Great interview. Isaiah 43:2 is one of my favorites along with verse 1--"Do not fear for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!"

    1. Pat, that is one of my absolute favorite verses. One I rejoice in with the recent salvation of my husband just last year. A treasure. Bless you for sharing it today!!

  26. Thank you so much for a fantastic giveaway! I would really love to have the chance of reading 'Be still my soul' as it is a genre that i love, and it sounds truly facinating. Thank you so much, and i have added this to my to-read list already. x

    1. Miss Lucinda, I always love meeting others who love reading this genre. I hope that you enjoy Be Still My Soul if ever you get the chance to read it. Thanks so much for visiting Melanie's blog for the interview and giveaway. Take care!

  27. So grateful to have another Christian writer out there. Love reading books that aren't filled with negative images and frustrating language. Hoping to get a hold of this book since I'm from the mid-west and have driven through this area many times.

    1. Heidi, I love learning about your connection to the area. I can only imagine the amazing memories (and pictures) you have from your travels! So nice to meet you!

  28. Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the chance to win!

    1. Hi Natasha! Thank you...you are entered! :) All the best!

  29. SOO glad to see this! I've enjoyed learning a bit about you, Joanne!

    Please include me in the giveaway!

    Thank you!

    1. Ganise, and I've enjoyed learning a bit about you as I've had the opportunity to chat via blog comments with you! Bless you for your sweet words and I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview!

  30. thank you for the opportunity to get to know a new author

    1. Incredibly grateful for the opportunity to get to be on Melanie's blog. She did a wonderful job!

  31. nice interview!! thanks!

  32. thanks for the chance to win
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

    1. Thanks right back atcha for being here, Apple Blossom! Take care!

  33. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!!

    1. Krystal, I'm so glad you stopped in and entered. :D

  34. I love the cover of the book. So nice! I´ll put it right on my list of to-reads, really like the sound of it!
    And i´m a fellow Jane Austen fan.
    Thank you for the great interview - and happy publication and anniversary, Joanne!

    kewinkler at gmail dot com

    1. Meeting a fellow Jane Austen fan is always fun! I'm so glad Be Still My Soul is one of those books that's caught your eye and that the you saw something special in the cover. And thank you...our anniversary was absolutely wonderful. So much to celebrate! :)

  35. thanks for the giveaway, would love to win this book...

    1. wonderful, Rosalina! Thanks so much for entering!

  36. Great interview! Sounds like a good read!

    1. Saundra, doesn't Melanie do the most wonderful job? So blessed to be here. And delighted that Be Still My Soul sounds like a read you would enjoy!

  37. Thanks for the giveaway and interview, its nice to learn more about new debut authors.
    An author friend posted this book on facebook and I just feel in love with the serenity and background of the cover.

    Please add me to the drawing.

    arieljo12 at hotmail dot com

    1. J. Grace, I can't tell you how good it is to hear that the scene of the cover resonated with you. It's a stunning piece of landscape and the designer did the most amazing job with drawing from the story as he put it together. So nice to meet you!

  38. I really enjoyed Be Still My Soul and am quite excited that book two is getting closer to being published! Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Rina, I'm thrilled to hear that you read and enjoyed Be Still My Soul! Book 2 is due out this April and I'm so glad to hear that your looking forward to it! Blessings!

  39. Thx for the giveaway. My name is Luisa :)

  40. I look forward to reading Be Still My Soul; thanks for having this giveaway!

  41. There is always time for a nice book.

    1. Amen, Jan! I've got a few on my nightstand that are calling my name. :)

  42. Happy Anniversary Joanne, and congrats on the book! Loved the interview and can't wait to read it.

    1. Thank you, Andrea! It was the most wonderful anniversary made extra special by my husbands sweet enthusiasm about the release. :) I'm so glad your looking forward to reading Be Still My Soul...bless you!!

  43. Great interview! Thank you for the chance to win! :)

    1. Hi Samantha! It was such a blessing to be interviewed by Melanie. She asked great questions. So glad you stopped in and entered!

  44. Great interview! Finding out more about the author is always so inspiring and helps me to understand their writing style and views.

    I enjoyed this one and can't wait to read the book.

    1. It just does my heart good to hear that you're excited to read the book!! And I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the interview, I had so much fun getting to answer these great questions and it's been awesome getting to connect. :) Take care!

  45. I'm having an ACQ day right now!! 14 preschoolers in a tiny room is enough for anyone to need chocolate lol. Love the interview and the book sounds wonderful! Thanks!

    1. Oh my goodness, Christy, that is most DEFINITELY an ACQ kind of day! Sending you happy chocolate thoughts :) Thanks for taking time to read the interview. So nice to get to meet you!

  46. Great interview! Author interviews always o get me more excited about reading the book!! :) Can't wait to read this one!!

    1. Holly--THRILLED that you are excited to read Be Still My Soul. I hope you enjoy it and that there is something in the story that will be a blessing to you. So nice to meet you!

  47. Loved the interview. Happy Anniversary. Looks like a great book. That is also a bible verse close to my heart. Love your comment on your bike riding family
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

    1. Thank you and thank you :D It is such a special verse and it does my heart good to hear that it's a special one for you a well. My wonderful hubby got me that tandem and we have a TON of fun going out with the kids :)

  48. Great interview. ACQ is gonna go viral! Chocolate lovers unite!

    1. Amen! Spoken by a woman who knows how to ACQ when her daughter needs it ;)

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Love the interview and i enjoyed read it. Will love to read this book :)

  51. I just finish reading an ARC of"Be Still My Soul." I enjoyed this one and
    am writing my review tonight. I look forward to the next book in the series, "Though My Heart Is Torn". Thanks so much for the interview with Joanne. I loved learning more about her and her writing. ACQ for me also! I would love to win this book to give to my 16 year old grand daughter, Sara, who is a avid reader and writer herself.

    1. Hooray! I'm so happy that you enjoyed Be Still My Soul, Jan! And also that you're looking forward to book 2. I'm working on the finishing touches as we speak and I'm so excited to get it out there for readers. I hope your daughter enjoys it as well. That is so wonderful that she's already an avid writer. Keep up the good work!!

  52. Congrats for the release of Be Still My Soul, Joanne!
    It does sound intriguing :)
    I'm always a sucker for marriage of convenience/arranged marriage/shotgun marriage kind of romance LOL so I'm sure I'm gonna love Be Still My Soul :)

    1. Aline, I completely understand :) I'm a sucker too for that kind of romance, when characters are in a bit of a sticky situation ;) I hope you enjoy it!

  53. Hi, Brenda! Bless you! Delighted to meet another ACQ kindred spirit...my mom will be so proud just as I know my Grandma would be. :)

  54. One of my favorite hymns is Be Still My Soul, so I had to look at this, and I'd love to read it! Thanks!
    katsaddress AT gmail. DOT com

    1. Kat, I'm so glad the connection to the hymn resonated with you. It's one of my favorites as well :)

  55. What a great interview! It sounds like this new book has an intriguing twist...the main character has to make the best of a bad situation and "decide" to be in love with her husband. Wow. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Kandra, Thank you! Doing the interview with Melanie has been a joy. SO glad that the twist intrigues you! I had really hoped to write a story of love growing where it seems impossible :) Blessings!

  56. I am so looking forward to reading this book!!

    Karen Schulz
    aregeetee5162 at yahoo dot com

    1. Yay, Karen! I'm so glad! Thanks for stopping in and entering :)

  57. Thank you for hosting this giveaway, sounds like a good book. Wendy Newcomb


    1. Wendy, I'm so thankful to Melanie for hosting this giveaway too :) So glad you entered!

  58. Love to read! Thanks!

  59. Would love to win. I haven't read any of her books and love what I see.
    jrs362 at hotmail dot com

    1. I'm so glad you've loved what you've seen so far. If you get the chance to read the book, I hope it continues! :)

  60. Thank you for a beautiful interview :)

    1. Angie, you are so sweet. Thanks for taking the time to read it!

  61. I forgot my email akritzinger@cybersmart.co.za

  62. thanks for the great book giveaways.

    1. Melanie amazes me with her giveaways :) So glad you entered!

  63. this book looks SOOOO interesting!! :)

  64. Great interview.I would love to read this book.Thanks

  65. Thanks for an opportunity to win a great book!! It sounds fantastic!! Great interview!!

    1. Many, many thanks!! I'm so glad that you entered the giveaway for Be Still My Soul.

  66. Another lovely cover! I saw it in the store I work in & commented to a co-worker that I love the striking colors! :)

    Please do enter me!


    1. Bekah, I can't help but doing a mini happy dance at the thought of Be Still My Soul in your store. That's wonderful! The designer did an amazing job with the cover. So nice to meet you!

  67. What a great interview! I homeschool too and always love to meet other homeschooling mothers! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book - it sounds like one I would really enjoy reading:)

    1. Julie, Hi!! I love meeting other homeschooling moms too! I'm so glad to cross paths with you here and I'm thrilled that the book sounds like one you would enjoy. I hope you get the chance to read it!

  68. I love christian romances! This synopsis and interview were wonderful!

    1. I'm so glad! Amanda, we have that something in common :D Glad you enjoyed the interview and the story snippets. Take care!!

  69. This sounds like a really cute story.
    Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Thank you so much. That means a ton! Glad you entered. :)

  70. Enjoyed the interview, now looking forward to the book!!

    Karen Schulz
    aregeetee5162 at yahoo dot com

  71. I love christian romances! Great interview.

  72. Sounds great! I look forward to reading it.

  73. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for what you do!

  74. Be Still My Soul is one of my favorite hymns, so the book looks fantastic!

  75. Great Review! The characters Lonnie and Gideon sounds interesting. Also, we live in NC and VA is one of our favorite places to visit.
    Angela Hartness

  76. This book sounds wonderful! I really love Be Still My Soul as a hymn as well. :)
    Thank you for the chance! :)

  77. Thank you for this interview. I really love getting to meet new authors. Look forward to reading her books.

  78. I am so looking forward to reading this book!

  79. sounds like a great read! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  80. I read a review copy and reviewed this wonderful book by Joanne. I can't wait to read her next book. I would love to win the paper edition so I can share it with my grand daughters. :)

  81. This looks like a great book and what a great way to get to know the author.

  82. Great interview! How fun the book release and your wedding anniversary were on the same day :).

    jswaks at gmail dot com


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