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Monday, October 24, 2011

Book Review: Shadows on the Sand: A Seaside Mystery by Gayle G. Roper

Shadows on the Sand: A Seaside MysteryShadows on the Sand: A Seaside Mystery by Gayle G. Roper

My rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

I've read and enjoyed other books by Gayle Roper, and I'm happy to say 'Shadows on the Sand' was no exception! Once I actually started to read this book, I found it interesting almost from the beginning.

Some of the character's stories in 'Shadows on the Sand' I found sad. Carrie Carter and her sister Lindsay ran away from home seventeen years ago because of horrible circumstances, and Greg Barnes' wife and kids are dead because of something that was meant to kill him!

I, personally, really liked 'Shadows on the Sand'. While I normally prefer books that have a LOT of suspense,   this book had a really great story and a nice amount of romance that, I found it very enjoyable.

There are a couple of things that may not be suitable for young readers. One of them is there is a cult called 'The Pathway' that practices polygamy.

Overall, 4 stars and I recommend 'Shadows on the Sand' if you enjoy a nice, cozy mystery with romance.

*I received a complimentary copy for my review. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion.*

Please rate my review! Thanks in advance if you do!


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