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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bookie Friends Favorites Challenge 2012

Bookie Friends Favorites ChallengeI know, I know. I'm participating in a lot of challenges for 2012, but I just love them! They are so much fun! I especially like this new one I found... 'Bookie Friends Favorites Challenge 2012'!

Here are the rules:

Challenge starts January 1, 2012 and ends December 31, 2012

1. Wr
ite a post on your blog about joining this challenge

Add links to your 5 favorite books
Don't forget to add the challenge button

2. Click on the "Sign Up" tab above and leave the link to your challenge post, not to your blog's home page.

3. Visit the other participants and choose 3-12 books to read.
You can choose them all at once or as you go.
Add the title to your original post, making sure to link back to the person whose favorite it is.

4. As you read each book:
Post a review on your blog and leave the link in the "Reviews" tab at the top of this blog

Five of my FAVORITE books are:

  1. Waterfall (and Cascade & Torrent!) by Lisa T. Bergren
  2. Vigilante by Robin Parrish
  3. Abomination by Colleen Coble
  4. Skin by Ted Dekker
  5. The Queen by Steven James

I know that's really seven, but I'm combining the River of Time trilogy into one... What do you think of this challenge? What are some of your favorite books? Are you going to participate? Please let me know in a comment!

I'll keep track of my progress here.


  1. Yes, I loved Skin by Ted Dekker!
    Good luck with your challenge.

  2. Great picks! I love Colleen Coble's books and I've found so many great authors to follow this year. Good luck! :O)

  3. This sounds like lots of fun, I think I might join!

    I like your new design :)

  4. Vicki ~ Thanks for making such a great challenge!

    Lisa ~ Thank you for writing such great books! :)

    Wall-to-wall books ~ Thanks! Ted Dekker is a favorite author of mine. :)

    Diane ~ I know! I also love a lot of Colleen Coble's books - she's another favorite author of mine! :)

    Crystal ~ Thanks - I wanted a Christmas background for the holidays! :) I hope you do join!

  5. I like the sound of several of those, but they all seem to be part way through their respective series. :(

  6. I am thinking of adding Waterfall to my list of books to read for this challenge. I'm not sure I'll get to the whole series but it does sound good!

  7. Hi Hellen - I am considering Abomination from your recommendations. Enjoy your challenges!

  8. Opps sorry Melanie - that's what I get for having too many blogs open plus watching a movie at the same time. I am in the right place but called you the wrong name. Sorry.

  9. MarthaE, LOL! No problem. I'm glad you are considering Abomination - it is on my all-time favorite list!!! :)



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Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. ~ Philippians 4:8

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