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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday: Beauty for Ashes by Dorothy Love

Beauty for Ashes (A Hickory Ridge Novel)I can hardly wait for 'Beauty for Ashes'! I'm so looking forward to reading more about the characters from 'Beyond All Measure'!

Release date: Feb. 28, 2012

About the book:

She's a beautiful young widow. He's a charming Charleston gentleman with a notorious past. Both need a place to call home. 

 After years of mourning the death of her young husband and longing for a family of her own, Carrie Daly has promised to wed bookstore owner Nate Chastain. But questions about his true feelings for her cause her to hesitate.

When arguments with her brother's wife force her from the family farm to the run-down Verandah Ladies' Hotel, Carrie determines to make a new life in town. Then she meets newcomer Griff Rutledge and, despite the disapproval of nearly everyone, is immediately drawn to him. Could he be the one for whom she's waited so long?

Charlestonian Griffin Rutledge, scion of a low country rice planter, former blockade runner, gambler, and horseman, arrives in Hickory Ridge to collect an old debt before heading off to try his luck in Australia. Estranged from his family for years, Griff is a loner and likes it that way. Offered the opportunity to train a magnificent Thoroughbred for the local banker, he settles down . . . temporarily. But a chance meeting with Carrie triggers a chain of events that causes him to question his choices. Maybe God brought him to Hickory Ridge-and to Carrie-for a reason.


  1. The cover looks pretty! I like it! I like reading some YA Christian fiction. I'm glad you feature this book. It sounds very interesting! Great choice! Thank you for sharing!

    Happy Reading!

    Books For All Seasons

  2. The cover looks pretty! I like it! I like reading some YA Christian fiction. I'm glad you feature this book. It sounds very interesting! Great choice! Thank you for sharing!

    Happy Reading!

    Books For All Seasons

  3. I haven't heard of this one but it sounds interesting, here's mine

  4. Good morning this really looks like an interesting book by Dorothy Love, I am writing it down to look for in 2012.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    Paula O(kyflo130@yahoo.com)

  5. Looks like a fun book!!

    I'm a new GFC. My Wow's at www.burgandyice.blogspot.com

    Have a great (vegan) Thanksgiving!!

  6. Thank you all for stopping by and commenting! Happy Thanksgiving to you too! :)



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